Career Counselling Calgary
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Career Counselling Calgary
Career counselling is a process that can be of great help to those who are unhappy with their work-life or are trying to do career planning for their future. Career planning involves enlisting professional help and can help a person plan a balanced and successful career that meshes well with their personal life, interests, and their personality.
Career Counselling Process
Career counselling consists of one on one meetings with a trained career counsellor. It targets what makes the client an individual and uses that knowledge to help them plan a career path. This process is designed to gain insight into the client and address specific concerns.
What Is Career Counselling?
Career counselling is a service that helps individuals to plan out or change careers. A career counsellor will work one on one with a client to assist with career planning and related decision making. The career counselling process will give the client valuable insights into their own personality and how they interact with the working world. For example, you will learn about what you need in a career in order to feel fulfilled and you will learn about other career options you may not have known about. From there, you and your career counsellor would narrow down the options to conclude what sort of job is best for you on an individual level.
Career Counselling Concerns
When going to a career counsellor, there are usually some common concerns that you may have that have led you there. Career counselling can help those who are questioning their career choice and are wondering if there are better options available to them. It can also help if you are looking to make a career change but are not sure how to best move forward, and in the same vein, someone who is looking to re-enter the workforce but unsure how to start. Those who are planning their retirement transition or military to civilian career transition would also benefit from career counselling. Career counselling can even help those who are not yet out in the professional world-- for example, high school students who are uncertain about their career plans after graduation and need guidance.
As many reputable career counsellors are also registered psychologists, they can also assist with broader concerns that may be related to unrest and unhappiness in a job. These include loss of sleep, stress and stress management, confidence and self-esteem, emotional well-being, boundary setting, interpersonal challenges, and managing transitions and change.
Career Coaching Process
Career coaching is another term that one may hear when looking for career assistance and guidance. Is it the same as career counselling? No, not exactly. Career coaching is a process that happens, like career counselling, in a one-on-one setting with a professional. However, career coaching addresses a separate set of concerns.
What Is Career Coaching?
Career coaching is similar to career counselling, but it is not the same and these terms are not simply interchangeable. Career coaching involves meeting with a career professional, just as career counselling does. However, career coaching is targeted at those who are interested in addressing challenges in their current career or place of employment. The career coach will help you to develop strategies to manage and overcome your individual concerns.
Career Coaching Concerns
The concerns that are typically addressed during career coaching are set in the client’s current workplace-- for example, transitioning into a new role, navigating workplace politics, or managing bullying in the workplace. Concerns such as managing a change in personal circumstances and supporting parental leave transitions can also be handled during career coaching sessions. Career coaching can help an individual with their professional development as well. Circumstances like addressing communication challenges, giving and receiving feedback, and leadership development are commonly worked on during career coaching.
Many individuals struggle with balancing work and personal life. This is now a popular topic to tackle with a career coach. A career coach can help to work on ways and strategies to reduce the challenges a client faces with their work-life balance. Some of that may involve implementing new strategies into the way that they work, such as strategies that target focus, time management, or organization.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does career counselling do?
Career counselling is a process that helps you know and understands yourself; it will also help you to understand yourself and how you fit within the work world. It helps you to make educational, career, and life decisions.
What happens in a career counselling session?
During a session, you will receive professional, objective advice regarding the concerns, thoughts, and feelings you may have about your career and your education. These sessions also help you identify what influences your career development and assess your interests, values, and abilities.
How much does career counselling cost?
Career counselling costs depend on certain factors, such as the experience of the counsellor or the extent of the services you need. These sessions can run from between $75-$150 hourly.
In contrast JOBSHIFT as a program is only $47 per year. Click HERE for more.
How is career counselling done?
Career counselling typically starts with assessing the person getting the counselling to dig deeper into their personality and interests. Once these factors are determined, a counsellor is able to offer advice accordingly.
How do I choose a career counsellor?
Look for accreditation first. You will also want to make sure you have a strong personality match with that person, and identify the kind of career counselling you want so that you can make sure they offer what you are looking for, and be sure to research their expertise in your particular area of interest.
How do I find a job I love?
This is a great topic for a career counsellor to help with. Start by identifying your goals and values, then search for jobs that would be a good fit for those, as well as a good fit for your interests. Try to thoroughly research and even job shadow, if possible, in order to determine if the job you choose is actually a good fit for you.